Money Bills originate only in the Lok Sabha. If a dispute arises as to whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not, the decision of the Speaker of Lok Sabha is final. Rajya Sabha has no power to reject a Money Bill. It can only make recommendations, ie, suggestions. The Lok Sabha may accept or reject all or any of the recommendations of the Rajya Sabha.
Ordinary Bills can originate in either House. In case of disagreement between the two Houses, the bill is referred to a joint sitting of both the Houses. It seems that the two houses have been placed on an equal footing in this regard. Really speaking, the Rajya Sabha is in a weaker position in this matter. Since the total membership of Rajya Sabha is less than even half of the total strength of the Lok Sabha, the will of the Lok Sabha would naturally prevail at a joint sitting. Moreover, a joint session is presided over by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
Members of both the Houses can put questions to ministers about the work of their departments. They discuss all matters of public importance. But here again, Lok sabha has more power than the Rajya Sabha. The Council of Ministers is responsible only to Lok Sabha. Rajya Sabha has no power to pass a motion expressing No-Confidence in the Council of Ministers.
Constitution puts Rajya Sabha on an equal footing with Lok Sabha in these matters : the election and impeachment of the President, removal of the Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts, proclamation of Emergency, promulgation of Ordinances and Constitutional Amendments.
The fact remains that Rajya Sabha is not at par with Lok Sabha. It does not, however, mean that Rajya Sabha has no important role to play in the governmental machinery. Neither House by itself constitutes Parliament. It is the two Houses together that are the parliament in India. Parliament can create new All India Services only if Rajya Sabha passes a resolution to this effect.
Moreover, Rajya Sabha is a 'Continuing House', a parliament chamber. it is not subject to dissolution like the Lok Sabha. It has to play a major role during the periods when Lok sabha is dissolved. All this helps to show that Rajya Sabha is an influential and useful body.
Ordinary Bills can originate in either House. In case of disagreement between the two Houses, the bill is referred to a joint sitting of both the Houses. It seems that the two houses have been placed on an equal footing in this regard. Really speaking, the Rajya Sabha is in a weaker position in this matter. Since the total membership of Rajya Sabha is less than even half of the total strength of the Lok Sabha, the will of the Lok Sabha would naturally prevail at a joint sitting. Moreover, a joint session is presided over by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
Members of both the Houses can put questions to ministers about the work of their departments. They discuss all matters of public importance. But here again, Lok sabha has more power than the Rajya Sabha. The Council of Ministers is responsible only to Lok Sabha. Rajya Sabha has no power to pass a motion expressing No-Confidence in the Council of Ministers.
Constitution puts Rajya Sabha on an equal footing with Lok Sabha in these matters : the election and impeachment of the President, removal of the Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts, proclamation of Emergency, promulgation of Ordinances and Constitutional Amendments.
The fact remains that Rajya Sabha is not at par with Lok Sabha. It does not, however, mean that Rajya Sabha has no important role to play in the governmental machinery. Neither House by itself constitutes Parliament. It is the two Houses together that are the parliament in India. Parliament can create new All India Services only if Rajya Sabha passes a resolution to this effect.
Moreover, Rajya Sabha is a 'Continuing House', a parliament chamber. it is not subject to dissolution like the Lok Sabha. It has to play a major role during the periods when Lok sabha is dissolved. All this helps to show that Rajya Sabha is an influential and useful body.
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